Mia’s Priorities


As the daughter of activists and as a Black Latina, Mia brings a progressive, underrepresented perspective to Sacramento.


Address homelessness head on by focusing on the root causes of the crisis, expanding mental health services, increasing shelter access and transitional housing. I will work to secure funding for local homelessness programs in the East Bay and push for the wraparound services it takes to lift our unhoused neighbors out of poverty.

Affordable Housing

Advance legislation that creates new affordable housing and ensures current homeowners and renters can afford to stay in their homes here in the East Bay. As someone who faced housing insecurity as a child, I understand the urgency of keeping families in their homes and protecting tenants.


Hold state leaders accountable for directing the additional public education funding provided by coronavirus relief funds towards addressing the academic, social, and mental health impacts of the pandemic, especially in communities hit hardest by the virus.

Economic Recovery

Be a voice for working families and communities of color to ensure those most affected by the coronavirus pandemic are fully able to recover and emerge stronger than before. I will support state leaders who propose direct economic stimulus, rent relief, and other strategic measures that put money directly into the pockets of families.

Small Business

Fight for our East Bay small businesses and community institutions so they may secure the relief they need to stay open and make up for losses. I will also support programs that assist workers who have lost their jobs during the pandemic and work to increase new job opportunities in the East Bay.

Criminal Justice Reform

Advance targeted reforms within our criminal justice and law enforcement systems to root out systemic racism and classism that perpetuates cycles of incarceration and poverty. I believe in promoting public safety while also holding law enforcement accountable for negligence, criminal action, and malpractice.


Fight for the rights of undocumented immigrants and ensure hardworking immigrants have the resources and protections they need to build a life in California. I support creating pathways to citizenship and granting economic aid to undocumented workers who have worked in essential jobs throughout the pandemic.


Push for affordable, accessible healthcare for all Californians regardless of medical history or ability to pay. I believe healthcare is a human right and working families should not have to choose between paying medical bills or paying rent.

Reproductive Justice

Protect a woman’s right to choose and support legislation advancing affordable and accessible family planning resources and maternal health services. I will also work to advance legislation on other women’s issues including guaranteed paid family leave, affordable childcare, and protections from pregnancy discrimination.

Social Justice

Fight for justice by standing up to AAPI hate, elevating Black voices and protecting black and brown lives, protecting our LGBTQ+ community, and advocating for immigrants. Social justice is the lens through which I view all issues, and I commit to using my platform to stand up for communities that have long been marginalized and underrepresented in our state leadership.